Support the Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Program


The Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Program is a non-profit organization which is supported almost entirely by donations from individuals. In 2007, 85% of our budget came from individual donations. Please consider supporting our work with the incarcerated youth and adults. Without you, we cannot keep this important work alive. You can help by volunteering or making a donation.

Your donations make it possible for APO to assist prisoners to self rehabilitate, and each values what you help them do. We can’t say it any better than Curtis, a Texas inmate who wrote to us: “…not only am I grateful to the benefactors for the opportunity to continue to access these books to prisoners, like myself, I’m grateful to them for my expanded ability to be grateful. Surely the benefactors are aware of how splendid their contribution to humanity is in this respect.”

$170 sponsors a prisoner reading Steiner Books or taking the correspondence course for one year. $15 sponsors one month. Please give as generously as you are able. 

Click the donate button below and make a donation with your credit card.


If you prefer, you can donate by sending a check or money order or your credit card information by mail. Please make checks out to Anthroposophical Society in America and write Prison Outreach in the memo line. Mail your tax-deductible donation and any requests for information to:

Anthroposophical Prison Outreach
1923 Geddes Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

734-662-9355 Ext. 38

To request an Introductory Packet be sent to a prisoner you know, please send us his/her Name, Number, and Address via email toTo request an Introductory Packet be sent to a prisoner you know, please send us his/her Name, Number, and Address via email  or to the address above.

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©2016 Anthroposophical Prison Outreach